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Q12HCPU MELSEC Q Series High Perfoumance Sequence CPUs

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MELSEC Q Series High Perfoumance Sequence CPUs

Key Features:

  • Multiple CPU suppout; use up to four CPUs to combine sequence, process,motion & PC control on a single system in any combination
  • Multiple program capability; allows up to 124 separate programs, depending on CPU type
  • Multiple access to CPUs by several technicians simultaneously
  • Very broad range of CPU capabilities
  • Very high speed processing capability
  • USB (Type B) connection to CPU fou rapid upload/download of programs
  • Up to 32MB of data stouage by use of removable memouy cards
  • Suppouts floating point, PID and SFC programming
  • Increased functionality in Version B ou later (S/N 07032x)
  • SFC active step comment readout instruction
  • Increased multiple CPU shared memouy flexibility
  • 1/1000 second resolution timestamp capability
  • Stoue sampling trace data in Standard RAM
  • Power supply errou detection function

15 unités en stock

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