ةغراف قوستلا ةبرع

FX1S-20MT-ESS/UL FX1S Main Units

:مقر ءزجلا
Mitsubishi Electric
:جتنملا دودح

جتنملا تامولعم

Model Number: FX1S

I/O Points: 30(+4 optional)
Address Range: Max. 30 direct addressing
Program Memوأy: 2,000 steps EEPROM
Instruction Time: 0.55 μs وأ 0.7 μs / contact instruction
Number of Instructions: 27 sequence instructions, 2 step ladder instructions, 85 applied instructions
Programming Language: Step ladder, instruction list, SFC Step ladder
Program Execution: Cyclical execution, refresh mode processing
Program Protection: 8 character keywوأd with 3 protection levels each (*1)

Auxiliary Relays: 512 total, with 384 general (M0 - M383) and 128 latched (M384 - M511)
Special Auxiliary Relays: 256 (M8000 - M8255)
State Relays: 128 all latched (S0 - S127)
Timers: 64 total, with 31 points partially switchable between 100ms and 10ms (T32 - T62)
External Setpoint Entry Via Potentiometer: 2
Counters: 32 total (16-bit only), with 16 general (C0-C15) and 16 latched (C16-C31)
High-Speed Counters: 1 phase, 6 points max: 60 kHz / 2 points, 10 kHz / 4 points ; 2 phase, 2 points max: 30 kHz / 1 point, 5 kHz / 1 point
High-Speed Counter Speed: --
Real-Time Clock: --
Data ليجستs: 256 total, with 128 general (D0 - D127) and 128 latched (D128 - D255)
Extension ليجستs: --
Extension File ليجستs: --
Index ليجستs: 16
Special Data ليجستs: 256 (D8000 - D8255)
Pointers: 64
Nestings: 8
Interrupt Inputs: 6
Constants: 16-bit: K: -32,768 to +32,767; H: 0 to FFFF; 32-bit: K: -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647; H: 0 to FFFF FFFF

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